Connected Care ACO: CY20 Quality Results
The 2020 MSSP ACO program results are in, and VHAN is excited to report that our Connected Care ACOs had a remarkable year. Here are a few highlights:
● 19% reduction in readmission rates
● Cancer Screening Completion Rates: Colorectal Cancer (76%), Breast Cancer (75%)
● 68.2% Recapture Patient Acuity Codes (HCC): above-average recapture rate of 60%
● ED visits less than half of the national average
● More than twice the average Medicare Annual Wellness Visit completion rate
In addition, VHAN’s Connected Care of Middle Tennessee MSSP ACO achieved incredible quality measure performance goals, despite the challenges of the pandemic year, generating $10 million in total savings and $4.8 million in shared savings in 2020. We are impressed with the success of our ACO partners and look forward to another great year in 2022. Thank you for your hard work.