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How One VHAN Pharmacist Used a Patient’s Love for Motorcycles to Rev Up His Medication Adherence

VHAN Clinical Pharmacist Lyndi Tarr knows how important it is to speak a patient’s language and relate to them as an individual. Recently, Tarr put this truth into practice when she veered off the usual path to help a patient who was struggling with medication adherence following a lengthy hospitalization.

Read the full story to learn how Lyndi tapped into a patient’s personal interests to help him understand his medications and improve his adherence.

Tips for Prescribing Insulin to Prevent Problems at the Pharmacy

Every January, many health plans change their preferred insulin products on their formularies, creating confusion and frustration for patients, prescribers and pharmacies. A few simple strategies can help make this shift more efficient for providers and patients. Read the full article to learn how you can tweak your prescribing practices to reduce delays and ensure your patients get the medications they need.

3 Key Medication Adherence Tips

Medication adherence is a key driver of patient outcomes. Any medication therapy is ineffective if the patient cannot access or take it consistently. In addition, adherence is a triple-weighted quality measure on Medicare Advantage (MA) contracts. To help VHAN practices improve medication adherence this year and place a greater year-round focus on this crucial quality measure, the VHAN Pharmacy Team recommends three strategies.

Strategies for Navigating Stimulant Drug Shortages

In October 2022 the FDA announced a potential shortage of ADHD medications in the United States. The impact continues to be felt a year later, with many alternative stimulants also experiencing intermittent shortages or limited availability. The VHAN Pharmacy Team put together helpful strategies you can incorporate to navigate the stimulant shortage successfully.

Quality Performance: Opportunities to Improve Medication Adherence

Several of VHAN’s contracts include triple-weighted measures, which have a larger impact on quality results. Medication adherence is particularly important, as it is triple weighted across all Medicare Advantage (MA) contracts. Additionally, medication adherence provides an opportunity for year-round focus and impact, unlike other measures that may be addressed at certain times throughout the year. VHAN’s Pharmacy Team offers tools to help your patients with medication adherence.

What You Need to Know About the Inflation Reduction Act

Signed into law in August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) includes provisions to lower health care and medication costs over the next several years. This article outlines a few key implications of which providers should be aware.

VHAN Pharmacy Team Coordinates Outreach Efforts to Increase Medication Adherence

In recent years the VHAN Population Health Pharmacy Team has made it a priority to help patients, particularly ones with chronic illnesses, improve compliance to their prescriptions. This focus on medication adherence not only helps patients better manage their chronic diseases, but it also helps maintain consistent medical care during transitions and even reduce drug costs. It’s all part of the team’s efforts to produce better patient outcomes.

Best Practices for Navigating GLP1 Agonist Drug Shortages

In recent months, demand for GLP1 (glucagon like peptide 1) receptor agonists has skyrocketed across the country, leaving providers inundated with prescription requests and patients frustrated with shortages. GLP1 agonists have an important place in obesity therapy. However, there are many unanswered questions about long-term side effects, cost-effectiveness and the duration of therapy. Unfortunately, current manufacturing cannot adequately meet the demand for both diabetes and obesity treatment. The VHAN Pharmacy Team has the following recommendations for navigating ongoing shortages.

Alert VHAN Pharmacist Delivers Lifesaving Care to Blind Patient

Coordinated care provides multiple touchpoints to ensure that no symptom goes untreated, and no patient falls through the cracks. At Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network (VHAN), clinical pharmacists, social workers and nurse care navigators collaborate to deliver proactive, timely care to patients who need it most. 

For Population Health Clinical Pharmacist Lauren Cook, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, VHAN’s cooperative approach means staying alert for complications that may arise unexpectedly with patients. Cook’s vigilance recently helped a 64-year-old blind patient avoid a potentially catastrophic health event.

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