Quality Performance: Opportunities to Improve Medication Adherence

Several of VHAN’s contracts include triple-weighted measures, which have a larger impact on quality results. Medication adherence is particularly important, as it is triple weighted across all Medicare Advantage (MA) contracts. Additionally, medication adherence provides an opportunity for year-round focus and impact, unlike other measures that may be addressed at certain times throughout the year. 

In recent years, VHAN’s Pharmacy Team has made it a priority to help patients, particularly ones with chronic illnesses, improve compliance to their prescriptions. This focus on medication adherence not only helps patients better manage their chronic diseases, but it also helps maintain consistent medical care during transitions and even reduce drug costs. Over the next few months, VHAN will share key tips and resources for engaging patients and caregivers around this topic, so that you have the tools you need and will feel even more equipped to support patients year-round. 

Here are some immediate ways VHAN teams and resources can support you and your patients with medication adherence:

  • Care Management Pharmacy Referrals: Through the Care Management Program, VHAN members can refer patients to VHAN’s Pharmacy Team for medication management support. This includes identifying patient barriers to filling prescriptions, assisting with medication reconciliation during a care transition and education on proper medication regimens. Call (615) 936-2828 or fill out this form to refer a patient. 
  • Prescribing for ValueIf drug costs are impacting medication adherence, VHAN provides Prescribing for Value, a pocket guide for prescribers that outlines therapeutic alternatives to high-cost medications. 
  • Prescriber Opportunity Reports and Resources: This video takes an in-depth look at the network’s therapeutic alternatives program (TAP), which helps practices identify prescribing opportunities.

To learn more about how VHAN pharmacists work with members, check out this story about how VHAN’s Statin and Adherence Outreach Program assisted more than 350 patients with medication adherence and statin support.

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