5 VHAN Resources to Address Mental Health Concerns 

Between the increase in mental health diagnoses and a shortage of mental health specialists nationwide, primary care providers have taken on increased involvement in treatment mental health concerns. To help our members and patients navigate these issues, VHAN offers the following tools and resources: 

  • Behavioral Health Consult Lines. VHAN offers real-time consultations for pediatric and adult patients experiencing behavioral or emotional difficulties. Members can contact the Pediatric Behavioral Consult Line at (615) 205-9367 or the Adult Behavioral Health Consult Line at (615) 421–2497 for help with all patients, regardless of insurance carrier. VHAN members can use the links below to download consult line information cards to distribute in their practices: 
  • Adult Consult Line Information Card 
  • Pediatric Consult Line Information Card 
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