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Jump in the miniVHAN for Behavioral Health Series Through the Lifespan

To bolster mental health awareness and education, the miniVHAN podcast chose Behavioral Health Through the Lifespan for its recent series. Expert guests offered insights to help providers and their patients better understand and cope with anxiety and depression, neurodiversity, trauma and grief.  

If you’ve missed any of the episodes, catch up on

3 Key Medication Adherence Tips

Medication adherence is a key driver of patient outcomes. Any medication therapy is ineffective if the patient cannot access or take it consistently. In addition, adherence is a triple-weighted quality measure on Medicare Advantage (MA) contracts. To help VHAN practices improve medication adherence this year and place a greater year-round focus on this crucial quality measure, the VHAN Pharmacy Team recommends three strategies.

Strategies for Navigating Stimulant Drug Shortages

In October 2022 the FDA announced a potential shortage of ADHD medications in the United States. The impact continues to be felt a year later, with many alternative stimulants also experiencing intermittent shortages or limited availability. The VHAN Pharmacy Team put together helpful strategies you can incorporate to navigate the stimulant shortage successfully.

VHAN Social Work Team Supports Patients at Every Stage of Life

VHAN social worker Amber Colbert often supports Medicare patients who have been hospitalized and then moved to a skilled nursing facility (SNF). Sometimes these patients face difficult end-of-life choices. A recent case illustrated the vital role a social worker plays in this process and how collaboration between the social worker and other team members can ease pain and give patients greater comfort and a sense of peace.

How VHAN Can Help Your Practice Address Triple-Weighted Measures

As we approach the last quarter of the year, it’s essential to focus on triple-weighted measures on your Medicare Advantage (MA) contracts. These measures—related mainly to medication adherence, diabetes control, blood pressure control—count more towards your performance than single weighted measures in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service’s (CMS) pay-for-performance Star Ratings system. Triple-weighted measures play a critical role in a health plan’s ability to earn four or more Stars, the threshold at which practices can achieve a higher proportion of shared savings dollars and quality bonuses. Learn more about how VHAN can help members succeed in these important areas.

Social Worker Supports Caregiver Through Husband’s Long-Term Care and Beyond

In her job as a VHAN social worker, Amber Colbert has helped countless patients make the transition from hospital to a skilled nursing facility. Typically, Colbert works with Medicare patients 65 or older, monitoring their health care journey and helping them find the right facility when needed. That experience served her well in her care for an Alzheimer’s patient and his caregiver wife. Read the full story to learn how VHAN social workers help patients and their families at every stage of life.

Quality Performance: Opportunities to Improve Medication Adherence

Several of VHAN’s contracts include triple-weighted measures, which have a larger impact on quality results. Medication adherence is particularly important, as it is triple weighted across all Medicare Advantage (MA) contracts. Additionally, medication adherence provides an opportunity for year-round focus and impact, unlike other measures that may be addressed at certain times throughout the year. VHAN’s Pharmacy Team offers tools to help your patients with medication adherence.

On the Hub: Behavioral Health Tools for Young Patients

Returning to school can cause some children and teens anxiety, stress and depression. As young patients return to school next month, be prepared to offer them and their caregivers behavioral health support should the need arise. Read the full article for a complete list of resources VHAN offers members, patients and their caregivers.

VHAN Social Worker Advocates for Patient’s End-of-Life Care Decisions

Many who have cared for a loved one at the end of their life understand the role social workers can play in helping patients and families make their way through a stressful and emotionally charged time. Providing social work services for palliative and hospice care can be extra challenging, but for VHAN social worker team manager Cate Mart, LCSW, the connections she establishes with patients and their families make her job gratifying and worthwhile. Read the full article to learn how Cate helped one family make important end-of-life decisions.

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