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Personalized Care Leads to Quality Measure Victories for Rural Health Center

Milan Medical Center (MMC) is a well-oiled machine when it comes to addressing quality measures for their patient population, thanks in large part to Care Coordinator Elizabeth Hutcherson. Read this practice spotlight to learn more about how Hutcherson plays a vital role at MMC and in the community at large.

Network Quality Win: VHAN Surpasses National and Market Performance on PY21 Cigna CAC Contract

VHAN recently received Cigna CAC performance results for PY21, and we are happy to announce that the network performed remarkably well compared to market and national rates across key measures. According to representatives from Cigna CAC, VHAN’s efforts to identify and list actions for preventive care initiatives and improvements, along with quality measure reports, patient outreach and best practice-sharing contributed to the favorable results. Read the article for a full list of VHAN’s achievements.

How Erlanger Health System Improved Its AWV Completion Rate

To improve Erlanger Health System’s (EHS) AWV completion rate and deliver vital preventive care, the Erlanger Medical Group (EMG) quality team implemented an Annual Wellness Visit template and clinical education program in 2018. Since implementing the new process, Erlanger has experienced a year-over-year increase in total Medicare AWVs. Read the article to leverage best practices from the EMG quality team.

How One VHAN Member Scheduled Record Number of Breast Cancer Screenings in 2022

One in every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. That’s a sobering statistic, and it’s one that compels members of Vanderbilt Population Health’s Quality Impact Specialists (QIS) Team to motivate patients to get their annual breast cancer screenings. By pairing new technology strategies with more efficient communications, last year the team achieved dramatic results in the number of patients scheduled for these screenings. Read the full article to find best practices your staff can use to increase screening appointments and meet this important quality benchmark.

10 Years of Service: New miniVHAN Season Reflects on VHAN’s History

Coinciding with VHAN’s 10th anniversary, the third season of the miniVHAN podcast looks back at the unique vision for VHAN and how the network launched amidst a major transition in health care from fee-for-service to value-based care following the signing of the Affordable Care Act in 2010.

Vanderbilt Health’s Virtual Diabetes Classes Improve Patient Outcomes

To support patients with diabetes, Vanderbilt Primary Care began offering diabetes classes in 2020. After a short stint of in-person classes, COVID-19 caused the organization to move to a virtual environment, and attendance grew exponentially. The free, one-hour courses are held four times per month on Zoom, and they are available to all Vanderbilt Primary Care patients through a provider or nurse referral. Learn more about how Vanderbilt successfully launched this program—and how other practices could possibly do the same.

VHAN Achieves 100% Performance on 2021 Aetna Quality Measures

VHAN is pleased to announce that the network achieved 100% performance on all Aetna Commercial quality measures in 2021. VHAN members also scored higher than Aetna’s Q4 national average on several measures, including Breast and Colorectal Cancer Screening and Comprehensive Diabetes Care.

VHAN Announces Improved Pediatric Depression Screening Results

VHAN is excited to announce that the network’s pediatric depression screening rate has dramatically improved. In 2019, VHAN began measuring annual depression screening for children 12 and older. To assist members who were struggling in this area, VHAN licensed clinical social workers met with practices to promote the social work program and the benefits of using the pediatric behavioral health consult line. As a result, by 2021, no VHAN members received a score of zero for depression screening and 46% of practices screened 90% of their VHAN patients for depression.

Member Spotlight: VHAN Pediatric Practices Share Chlamydia Screening Best Practices

During a recent Pediatrics Champion Call, Kylie Cormier, MD, from Old Harding Pediatrics Associates (OHPA), shared best practices for capturing a yearly chlamydia screening from eligible patients. This important screening is part of the pediatric modifier for 2022, and it is also a required quality measure for many payors. Dr. Cormier and her colleagues have streamlined the screening process, while ensuring that patients and parents feel as comfortable as possible.

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