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Member Perk: VHAN’s Adult Behavioral Health Consult Line 

VHAN’s Adult Behavioral Health Consult Line offers primary care providers a real-time phone consultation by a licensed clinical social worker to help manage patients’ mental health needs. Shannon Brown, LCSW, answers some FAQs. to help members better understand this service.

5 VHAN Resources to Address Mental Health Concerns 

Between the increase in mental health diagnoses and a shortage of mental health specialists nationwide, primary care providers have taken on increased involvement in treatment mental health concerns. To help our members and patients navigate these issues, VHAN offers helping tools and resources.

miniVHAN Podcast Wraps Up Behavioral Health Series, Reveals Upcoming Episode

To bolster mental health awareness and education, the miniVHAN podcast chose Behavioral Health Through the Lifespan for its recent series. Expert guests offered insights to help providers and their patients better understand and cope with anxiety and depression, neurodiversity, trauma and grief.  

If you’ve missed any of the episodes, catch up on

Beyond the miniVHAN: More Resources on Behavioral Health

The miniVHAN podcast series features speakers discussing behavioral health topics across the lifespan, including depression, anxiety, neurodiversity, trauma and grief. These articles provide more resources for strengthening mental health.

Pediatric Patient’s Caregivers Receive Support From VHAN Care Management Team

While caregivers make a significant difference in the lives of patients, the hard work and dedication of caregiving can take a serious toll. The many-pronged tensions of caregiving are illustrated by a young parent who recently gave birth to a female with Down syndrome. Read the full article to learn how VHAN’s Care Management team worked with the parent to ease her anxiety and connect her to childcare resources.

On the Hub: Behavioral Health Tools for Young Patients

Returning to school can cause some children and teens anxiety, stress and depression. As young patients return to school next month, be prepared to offer them and their caregivers behavioral health support should the need arise. Read the full article for a complete list of resources VHAN offers members, patients and their caregivers.

VHAN Social Worker Connects Pediatric Patient to Needed Behavioral Health Services

Adolescence, those formative years between childhood and adulthood, can be a confusing and sometimes challenging time as young people go through changes both emotional and physical. It’s also a time of discovery as they learn to form their individual identity. A big part of that journey is sexuality, finding where they fit in and how they identify on the spectrum. VHAN Social Workers support young patients through all stages of life, providing behavioral health referrals when needed along the way.

VHAN Behavioral Health Crisis Resources

The March 27 shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville was devastating for all of us, especially those in the middle Tennessee communities served by you, our VHAN members. Our thoughts are with the loved ones of the victims, the first responders and all of those who are struggling with the impact of this traumatic event.

In the aftermath, we turn our attention to our young patients, particularly those in need of counseling and other behavioral health services. Read the full article to access behavioral health tools and resources for pediatric patients and their families.

Helping Patients Find Hope: VHAN’s First Project ECHO Helps Pediatricians Manage Rising Rates of Pediatric Depression

VHAN’s behavioral health team took on the challenge of managing pediatric depression by making it the subject of the network’s first Project ECHO program. Project ECHO seeks to address health care disparities with low-cost, high-impact interventions. 

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