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100% Performance 2021 on Aetna Quality Measures

VHAN members also scored higher than Aetna’s Q4 national average on several measures.

VHAN Helps Pediatricians Improve Depression Screenings

To improve our performance, VHAN licensed clinical social workers met with practices to promote our social work program and the benefits of using the pediatric behavioral health consult line.

Brentwood Pediatrics Helps Demystify Care for Young Adults

Young patients who turn 18 are suddenly forced to fend for themselves in a complex health care system, which can lead to confusion, frustration and gaps in health care.

Transitions Programs Helps Pediatric Patients Move to Adult Care

The adolescent years pose many challenges, including emerging sexuality, development of personal identity and adult relationships, behavioral health issues and a high degree of risk-taking behaviors.

VHAN Tools Provide Critical Post-Pandemic Behavioral Health Support

To help our members connect patients with the behavioral health support they need, VHAN continues to provide new tools and connections to community resources.

A Clearer View Into Patient Health Needs

Members have told us they often struggle to access and organize patient data from seemingly endless sources.

Improving Care, Controlling Costs

To manage utilization while maintaining quality of care, VHAN is introducing the Geriatric Resources for the Assessment and Care of Elders (GRACE) Program, an evidence-based model to improve quality while controlling costs for older patients with complex care needs.

Expanding Our Reach

According on an American Psychological Association survey with psychologists in 2022, the demand for mental health treatment continues to rise

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